Metal Detecting Jargon

What does it all mean?

A glossary of terms, by no means definative. Please feel free to post any I have missed or indeed don't know about :) and I will add them to the list.

Beach Hunters - Detectorists who search beaches
Bedrock - Solid ground beneath the sand or topsoil.
Black Sand - Sand with very high iron content on which it is very hard to get a good ground balance
Cache - Lots of of coins/jewellery buried in one place.
Canslaw - Pieces of buried shredded can and other small trash
Coil - The plate at the base of your detector
Clad - A coin that has an outer layer of copper-nickel (sometimes silver) bonded to a centre core of a different metal, mainly USA term .
Coinshooters - Detectorist who search mainly for coins
Detectorists - Metal detecting enthusiasts
Discrimination Level - A funtion on most detectors that can ignore certain metals.
Display - LED display on the detector.
Dry - Dry sand at the top of the beach
Finds - Interesting discoveries
Followers - Interested bystanders who track every dig. Usually children but some adults too. Can't blame them, it is bloody interesting.
Fossiker - detectorist who searches for gold or relics
Fugley - A target that is usually indescribable as it is encrusted with all manner of things.
Gold - In New Zealand, $1 & $2 coins
Gold Ring - What I will find plenty day :)
Griding - Searching an area thoroughly by covering every inch
Ground Balance - Adjusting the detector to the mineralisation in the soil
Headlight - A light worn on the head for night detecting.
Keepers - Targets that you'll keep
Loop - The plate at the base of your detector (coil)
Luck - A good thing to have. I find the more hours spent detecting the more luck!
Old Decimal - Previous NZ currency
MDing - Metal detecting
MD - A metal detector
Newbie - A new detectorist
Pin Pointer - A handy tool to accurately locate the target once the hole is dug.
Plug - The section of turf removed before digging the find.
Pocket Spill - Several coins falling out of a pocket
Reinstatement - The art of leaving no trace of your dig.
Relic - Anything old that comes out of the ground which is worth keeping and is not a coin
Relic Hunters - Detectorists who search in old camps, woods or old house sites looking for relics.
Scoop - A tool with drainage holes for scooping up sand. Long handled one's are used for water detecting up to waist deep.
Silver - Any coin containing silver
Silver Ring - One down from a gold ring but nice to find.
Spending - Coins of current currency.
Swing - Search
Swinger - A metal detectorist
Target - Object indicated by your detector
Target ID - An indication of what the target maybe by a tone or visual indicator.
Test Garden - A test place for detecting planted coins etc in a contolled enviornment to get familiar with the detectors capabilities.
Tone ID - Audio tone identification. Different metals, different tones.
Weedmatted - A search being hindered by many metal stakes pinning down weedmat beneath the bark.
Wellies - Gumboots or Wellington boots worn in the mud of a wet winter.
Wet - The sand still wet from receding tide
Whispers - Barely audible target tones

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