After one more fast and fruitless search in a small public grass area in Kumeu, which turned up mostly nails, my good friend has reclaimed his ACE 150 so until my new detector arrives I will be doing some research on local history rather than detecting and will try to find out more about potential search areas in and around Auckland. I will share what I uncover on my 'Places to Look' page. Recently I heard of early gold mining activities in the area of Maraetai and on investigation uncovered information on the history of many mines in that area. So many that I put it on a separate page. See 'Gold Mines in Auckland!' for some of the info on those sites.
Be back out soon.
I'm Glen. Metal detecting has always fascinated me and with the offer of a loan of a Garrett 150 I started what I hope will be a enjoyable new Hobby. I first detected in the early 70's with my Uncle John in Sussex, England and I dedicate this blog to his memory. We visited Saxon sites but we found nothing of interest but had fun. Now forty odd years later it seems my Uncle's sense of adventure has stayed with me and I'm really looking forward to getting out there amongst the treasure